Knee pain problems are now no more just confined to the old age persons. Today, with increasing desk-jobs and a number of other causes, anyone can suffer from knee pain problem. When you sit for longer hours at one place, the muscles start becoming stiff and as a result, synovial fluid present between the joints lessen. The friction of joints due to reduction of lubrication leads to immobility and inflammation. The decreased levels of this fluid for a much longer time leads to different problems like arthritis, spondylitis, etc.
Asthijivak is a miracle cure for all kinds of knee pain problems. It not only relieves pain in the affected area but also boosts musculature. The natural ingredients present in it go deeper inside the affected area of the skin and then relieves all kinds of pain efficiently.
अस्थिजीवक तेल और पेस्ट अद्भुत घुटने के दर्द से राहत फार्मूला है। यह सभी प्राकृतिक सामग्री से बना है और इसलिए यह किसी का उपयोग करने के लिए पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित है। अस्थिजीवक विशेष रूप से घुटने के दर्द के लिए बनाया है। तेल और पेस्ट नियमित रूप से इस्तेमाल किया जाता है, तो सबसे अच्छा परिणाम प्राप्त किया जा सकता है।
Asthijivak comes in 2 forms :
Asthijivak Oil
Asthijivak Paste (Lep)
The major ingredients of the oil & paste include ajwain, gwarpatha, nirgundi, rasna, haldi, etc. Thus, it is one of the finest and non-toxic remedies for joint pain available today.
You just need to do Asthijivak oil massage gently on the affected areas and it will gradually heal the damaged knee joints, tissues and strengthen the musculature. Simultaneously, apply the lep and cover it with a cloth on the targeted area. Overall, Asthijivak nourishes the joints and induces proper blood flow.
It heals and repairs the damaged musculatures
It penetrates deep inside the skin and provide relief in the targeted area
Requires application for few days
It will improve the range of motion and mobility
It has been formulated by the most experienced Ayurvedic experts
Asthijivak Price :-
Online Price Rs.3060/- ( Logistic & Convenience charges Rs. 200/- Extra ( In India) )
Cash on Delivery Rs.3400/- ( Logistic & Convenience charges Rs. 200/- Extra ( India) )
Overseas Delivery $125 ( Logistic & Convenience charges $15 Extra (Out Side India) )
Order Now herbal Asthi Jivak Knee Pain Relief oil & paste : and Call now : 9229337811, 9229337813
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